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謝婉雯醫生 1968 - 2003/05/13 35歲 屯門醫院胸肺科專科醫生 為抗炎獻出生命 她是香港的驕傲 【謝婉雯醫生特輯】 |
屯門醫院謝婉雯醫生因救治SARS病人而染病於今天不幸殉職,香港大學醫學院全體員工表示深切惋惜和哀痛,並對謝醫生家人致以最深切的慰問。 本院得悉謝婉雯醫生及護士劉永佳先生都是因照顧同一名已身故的SARS病人而不幸染病,而本院前畢業生劉大鈞醫生亦因克盡己責,不顧一切照顧SARS病人而殉職。 香港大學醫學院院長林兆鑫教授對於先後有醫謢人員殉職的捨己精神致以最崇高敬意。林院長表示:「這三位醫護人員鞠躬盡瘁,不顧一切,死而後矣的精神,實在令醫學界痛失英才。謹以這首詩悼念及表揚三位醫護人員的專業精神:『半是仁心半是醫,一點浩氣一點淚』」。 二零零三年五月十三日
The Faculty of Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine, HKU expressed deepest condolence and appreciation to Dr Tse Yuen-man from Tuen Mun Hospital, who has contributed her life to take care of the SARS patient at the hospital today. The Faculty would also like to send their consolation to the family members of Dr Tse. There are up to now three medical professionals who have devoted their life to taking care of the SARS patients: Dr Tse Yuen-man, Mr Lau Wing-kai and Dr Lau Tai-kwan, James (who was a medical graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, HKU). Professor Lam Shiu-Kum, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, HKU was deeply saddened to hear the death of medical professionals for the past few weeks. Professor Lam said, "Dr Tse, Mr Lau and Dr Lau have demonstrated the highest level of professionalism and courage. I would like to send my whole-hearted salute to the 3 heroes, for their selfless devotion and contribution to the community." May 13, 2003
【劉永佳醫護】 第一位因非典死亡男醫護 |
【謝婉雯醫生】 第一位因非典死亡醫生 |
【鄧香美醫護】 第一位因非典死亡女醫護 |
【劉錦蓉醫護】 第四位因非典死亡聯合醫院醫護 |
【王庚娣醫護】 第五位因非典死亡女醫護 |
【鄭夏恩醫生】 第六位因非典死亡醫生 |