AC2200 Tri-Band Whole-Home Mesh WiFi System (for large homes), with AiMesh support, AiProtection network security powered by Trend Micro and Advanced Parental Controls

Asus Lyra Trio AC2200 Tri-Band

  • Banish Wi-Fi Dead Zone – Tri-band, tri-hub mesh WiFi system extends WiFi range to every corner of your home
  • AiMesh Supported – Mix and match Lyra with AiMesh-compatible routers to form powerful and flexible whole-home WiFi system
  • Smooth Connections, Always – Stay automatically connected to the best possible signal, wherever you are in the home
  • Commercial-grade Security – Protect all devices on your home network with ASUS AiProtection
  • You’re in Control – The ASUS Lyra app enables PC-free setup, network management and diagnostics, and notifies you about any problems
  • Family Overview – View and control each family member’s internet and app usage from your mobile device

AC2200 三頻Wi-Fi網狀網絡多路由系統 -大坪數/透天厝Wi-Fi零死角,範圍最大可達 150坪、搭載AiProtection網路安全防護、家長控管功能、支援AiMesh家庭WiFi系統

  • 全覆蓋 — 雙頻、三台一組無線路由器系統,具備獨特天線擺放方式,提供全屋Wi-Fi零死角的覆蓋範圍
  • 支援AiMesh — 連接Lyra Trio與 兼容AiMesh的路由器,打造居家強大靈活的無縫Wi-Fi網路系統
  • 隨時維持快速流暢的訊號連線 — 3×3 MIMO 技術和無縫漫遊功能提供超快 WiFi 速度,不受空間侷限可自動連接至最佳訊號。
  • 隨時提供最新防護功能 — 採用趨勢科技(Trend Micro™) 合作的終身免費AiProtection Classic雲端安全防護功能,保障您連線裝置上的隱私安全。
  • 家長控管功能 — 透過URL 篩選和排程讓您保護家人,杜絕不當內容和不健康的網路使用行為。
  • 由您負責控制 — 使用ASUS Lyra 行動APP應用程式,無需使用電腦就能輕鬆設定、網路管理與診斷,並告知您大小問題。

WiFi You Can Rely On

Whether you’re in the basement, the garden or the living room, you want all your WiFi devices to work smoothly. The ASUS Lyra whole-home mesh WiFi system uses three wirelessly connected hubs to deliver a superfast, reliable and secure signal to every corner of your home.

Its intelligent technology gives you the freedom to roam anywhere around the house, automatically connecting you to the best signal at all times.

Lyra Trio — 零死角 WiFi

每天您都會傳訊息、語音通話與親近的人聯絡感情。 您四處探索,藉由熱情、靈感與新鮮的體驗與世界接軌。 Lyra Trio 讓您觸及更多可能性,同時全程保障您的安全隱私。 快速、簡單且安全的 WiFi 訊號覆蓋家中每一個角落,方便您隨時關注最重視的人、事、物。

Powerful Whole-home WiFi System. The Way You Want.

In most cases, your Lyra can deliver smooth, reliable WiFi to every part of your home. But WiFi coverage can be affected by many factors — room layout, construction materials, and even furnishings. ASUS AiMesh is an innovative new router feature that fixes these problems: it creates a whole-home WiFi network using multiple ASUS routers. AiMesh is powerful, flexible and you can use a mix of ASUS router models — protecting your investment! AiMesh gives you time-saving central control, and seamless roaming capability.

覆蓋多樓層住宅,最大可達 150 坪

不論您在地下室、花園或客廳,都會希望所有 WiFi 裝置能順暢運作。 ASUS Lyra Trio 網狀 WiFi 系統使用多台無線路由器,可在您家中的任何角落提供超快速、可靠且安全的訊號。

打造居家強大靈活的無縫 Wi-Fi 網路系統

多數情況下,Lyra Trio可為家中每個角落提供順暢又可靠的 Wi-Fi。 然而,Wi-Fi 覆蓋範圍可能會受到許多因素影響 — 房間配置、建築材料,甚至是家具陳設。 ASUS AiMesh 是能夠解決這些問題的創新路由器功能: 利用多台 ASUS 無線路由器打造出覆蓋全家的 Wi-Fi 網路。 AiMesh 既強大又靈活,可混用不同型號的 ASUS路由器,所以您無須丟棄原有的路由器! AiMesh 給您省時的集中管理和無縫的漫遊能力。 AiMesh 是值得您信賴的 Wi-Fi,所有裝置都能隨時存取!


  • Mix and match Lyra with AiMesh-compatible routers to form a whole-home WiFi system with simple firmware update.
  • Create a network with either a single WiFi name or multiple WiFi names
  • All router features works across the entire WiFi system
  • 將Lyra Trio與任一支援AiMesh的 ASUS 路由器進行搭配,簡易韌體更新就能輕鬆打造全套家用 Wi-Fi 系統
  • 可透過單個Wi-Fi名稱或多Wi-Fi名稱建立 Wi-Fi 網路
  • 所有路由器功能都可在整個家用Wi-Fi 系統生效

WiFi, Made Simple

ASUS Lyra, we’ve made WiFi simple. Lyra creates a single WiFi network for the entire house, so there’s no need to worry about which network to connect to — Lyra does all the complicated work for you. All you have to do is enjoy your seamless WiFi connection!


Lyra Trio 的多台無線路由器分工合作,構成只有一個 WiFi 名稱的單一網路系統。 只要您登入網路,Lyra Trio 就會自動讓您連接至訊號最好的無線路由器,並隨著您在家中四處走動,無縫切換無線路由器。 過程流暢無比,讓您毫無所覺 — 即便是正在視訊聊天或串流影片也不例外。

More Bands, More Capacity

To give you maximum performance, ASUS Lyra uses three separate frequency bands. Each hub uses one band to communicate with the others, leaving the other two bands completely free for superfast connections to your devices.


Lyra Trio 採用 3×3 MIMO 天線設計,相較於 2×2 網狀 WiFi 系統,可提供額外的空間串流,可同時處理更多的網路流量,即便有多台裝置連接至網路,效能依然快速、可靠。 個別 Lyra Trio 無線路由器也透過三個通道彼此連線,使資料在無線路由器之間以最快速度傳輸,確保您在家中的每一個角落都能享有最好的 WiFi 效能。

Smart Antennas for Stable WiFi

Each Lyra hub has four integrated smart antennas. When you add a new hub to your existing Lyra network, it checks the strength and quality of each antenna’s connection and uses the best two. So if there’s more than one other hub on the network, Lyra will automatically connect to the hub with the best signal.


Lyra Trio 採用獨特的金字塔天線設計,可減少干擾,同時垂直及水平傳輸 WiFi 訊號,改善多樓層住宅的收訊和效能。

Faster WiFi, for Every Hub

Lyra’s tri-band design and smart-antenna technology optimizes the connection between hubs, so each and every hub gets the best possible WiFi signal for maximum stability. Even in the most challenging conditions, Lyra’s long-range WiFi performance at the most distant hub is better than competing multi-hub systems.

WiFi 速度更快、距離更遠

*Comparison based on 5GHz bi-directional throughput tests performed in a controlled ASUS lab environment, using ASUS Lyra and a competing tri-band, tri-hub mesh system. The second hub was located 50m from the primary hub, and the most distant hub was an extra 8m away.

Lyra, for Any Home

No matter what shape your house is, ASUS Lyra can cover it. The Lyra base system includes three hubs, and more hubs can easily be added to provide even more coverage.

It is recommended to place the primary Lyra Hub in the middle, so that the second and third hubs can connect directly to it. This reduces the number of hops, and therefore allows lower latency.

AiProtection Classic

每天,您都需要倚賴已連接裝置來管理和存取個人資料,然而,您可能無法得知是否有人暗中侵犯您的隱私。 Lyra Trio 內建 Trend Micro™ 支援的先進雲端安全防護,確保您的隱私在所有已連接裝置上都獲得保障,即便是智慧家電 (IoT) 也不例外。

How Many Lyra Hubs Do I Need?

Lyra uses multiple hubs to make it supremely flexible for any environment: no matter what size or shape your home is, Lyra gives you all the coverage you need!

我需要多少台 Lyra Trio 無線路由器?

Lyra Trio 使用多個無線路由器,因此在任何環境下都能如魚得水: 無論住家的大小或配置為何,Lyra Trio 都能提供您所需的訊號覆蓋範圍!

More Stable WiFi with Wired Connections between Lyra Hubs

Lyra supports Ethernet backhaul, which means you can use network cables to connect multiple hubs together. If you have on-wall Ethernet ports in different rooms of your home, this feature lets your routers communicate with one another over a wired connection, making your WiFi system even more stable and reliable. It also reserves the entire 2.4GHz and 5GHz band for your wireless devices, letting you enjoy smoother and faster connections.

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Lyra Trio 無線路由器之間的有線連接使 WiFi 訊號更加穩定

Lyra Trio 支援乙太網路(Ethernet backhaul),這意味著您可以使用網路線將多個無線路由器連接在一起。 如果您在家中不同房間的牆上裝設乙太網路連接埠,透過此功能,路由器就能經由有線連線彼此通訊,使得 WiFi 系統更加穩定、可靠。 亦同時為無線裝置保留整個 2.4GHz 和 5GHz 頻段,讓您享受更流暢、更快速的連線。

Commercial-Grade Home Network Security

ASUS AiProtection, powered by Trend Micro™, is built into Lyra to add comprehensive protection to your home network. With AiProtection, all your connected devices — including smart home (IoT) appliances — are protected to prevent your personal data from being compromised.

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Pause for Thought

Wi-Fi Pause turns off the internet for a while — perfect for when you need some quality family time!

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One App for All

With the ASUS Lyra app you can set up, manage, and diagnose your network — even without a PC! To get started, turn on your Lyra hub and connect it using the ASUS Lyra app. Complete your Lyra network details, then click Connect. After about a minute you’ll be up and running!

Add extra Lyra hubs, with no hassle!

Adding an extra Lyra hub to your network is easy. Simply follow the on-screen guidance in the ASUS Lyra app: Tap Add Lyra to Current Network; turn on the hub; choose your network; and assign a location. That’s all there is to it!

Download ASUS Lyra app

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