《Symfony2 and RabbitMQ: Lessons learned》

最近在用 RabbitMQ,一切安好,只是一直碰到 “MySQL server has gone away” 的問題。貌似是相當常見的問題。這篇文章好像有解決方法…

Last year we introduced RabbitMQ into our stack at Waarneembemiddeling.nl. We were in desperate need of a worker queue and after fiddling around with Gearman, Beanstalkd and RabbitMQ we made our choice: RabbitMQ it will be.

Now there’s quite some information to be found on RabbitMQ and how to use it, but a lot of things you have to find out yourself. Questions like:

    • – what happens to messages on the queue after a service restart?


    • – what happens to messages on the queue after a reboot?


    • – how do we notice that a worker crashed?


    • – what happens to my message when the consumer dies while processing?





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